Chess Wizard Online Database
Perlis, Julius 1/2-1/2 Cohn, Erich

Chigorin memorial
St Petersburg / 1909.03.12
Black: Cohn, Erich

White: Perlis, Julius

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C31: King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer and Nimzowitsch (3....c6) Countergambits
 1. e4   e5
 2. f4   d5
 3. Nf3  dxe4
 4. Nxe5 Nd7
 5. Qe2  Ngf6
 6. Nc3  Nc5
 7. d3   Bd6
 8. dxe4 O-O
 9. Nf3  Ncxe4
10. Nxe4 Re8
11. Nxf6+ gxf6
12. Be3  Bxf4
13. Bxf4 Rxe2+
14. Bxe2 Qe7
15. Kf2  Bf5
16. c3   Re8
17. Rhe1 Qc5+
18. Nd4  Be4
19. Bf3  f5
20. Re2  Re6
21. Rae1 Rb6
22. b4   Qc4
23. Bxe4 fxe4
24. Rxe4 Qxa2+
25. R1e2 Qd5
26. g4   h6
27. Nf5  Kh7
28. Re7  Qc4
29. Rxf7+ Qxf7
30. Re7  Qxe7
31. Nxe7 Re6
32. Nf5  Rc6
33. Bd2  h5
34. g5   a5
35. bxa5 Rc5
36. Nh4  Rxa5
37. Ng2  Ra4
38. h4   c5
39. Nf4  b5
40. Ke2  b4
41. cxb4 cxb4
42. Kd3  Ra3+
43. Kc4  Rg3
44. g6+  Kg8
45. Bxb4 Rg4
46. Bd6  Rxh4
47. Kd5  Rxf4

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