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Tarrasch, Siegbert 1-0 Walter, Max

Maehrisch-Ostrau IT
Maehrisch-Ostrau / 1923.07
Black: Walter, Max

White: Tarrasch, Siegbert

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A40: Queen's Pawn Game (including English Defence, Englund Gambit, Queen's Knight Defence, Polish Defence and Keres Defence)
 1. d4   Nc6
 2. Nf3  Nf6
 3. c4   d6
 4. Nc3  Bg4
 5. e3   e5
 6. Be2  exd4
 7. exd4 Be7
 8. O-O  O-O
 9. Be3  Re8
10. h3   Bh5
11. Qb3  Rb8
12. d5   Na5
13. Qa4  Bxf3
14. Bxf3 b6
15. Be2  Ra8
16. b4   Nb7
17. Qa6  Qc8
18. Nb5  g6
19. Bd4  Nd7
20. Rae1 Nb8
21. Qa4  Nd7
22. a3   a6
23. Nc3  Bf6
24. Bg4  Rxe1
25. Rxe1 Bxd4
26. Bxd7 b5
27. Bxc8 bxa4
28. Bxb7 Bxc3
29. Re3  Rb8
30. Bxa6 Be5
31. Bb5  Ra8
32. Bc6  Ra6
33. Kf1  f5
34. Ke2  f4
35. Rd3  Kf7
36. Kd1  Ke7
37. Kc2  g5
38. Rd2  h5
39. Kd3  h4
40. f3   Kf6
41. Re2  Rb6
42. Ra2  Ra6
43. c5   Ra7
44. Bb5  Ke7
45. c6   Ra8
46. Ke4  Kf6
47. Be2  Bc3
48. Kd3  Be1
49. Bd1  Re8
50. Bxa4 Re3+
51. Kc4  Ke5
52. Rc2  Rxa3
53. Bb3  Ra1
54. Re2+ Kf6
55. Bc2  Kf7
56. Kb3  Bg3
57. b5   Ra8
58. b6   cxb6
59. Re6  Bf2
60. Rxd6 Bc5
61. Rd7+ Ke8
62. Bg6+ Kf8
63. c7   Be7
64. d6   
 (White wins)

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